Edenton Cotton Mills letterhead
The Edenton Cotton Mill Museum has its permanent exhibit in the old Cotton Mill Office building on Elliot Street — just across from the Mill.
We are open every Saturday from 11–2 (closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s weekends).
Along with this permanent exhibit, the Museum Board offers traveling exhibits with accompanying presentations to local libraries and civic organizations, such as the exhibit and presentation at the Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library, Edenton, in February and March of 2010.
Museum exhibit at the Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library.
On display at the library in its main entranceway exhibit case were many of the Museum’s artifacts. On the evening of February 18, Museum Board Member Beth Taylor led an evening presentation that highlighted the important moments in the development of the Mill and its Village. Joining Beth Taylor in the presentation were former Museum Board Vice-President and Treasurer Joyce Lassiter, historian Joy Caron, and several former residents of the Mill Village.
Museum Board Member Beth Taylor leading the presentation.
DVDs of the presentation and exhibit are available through the Museum for $10 each. If you would like one or more (bulk orders are available), please email us.
And if your organization is interested in the Museum giving a presentation to your group, please email us.
Newspaper help wanted ad for Mill workers from the early 1900s, and old photos.
Payroll sheets from the 1940s, with eyeglasses worn by Timekeeper Robert Whiteman.
Mill Village Church cookbook and other memorabilia.
Last package of yarn produced by the Mill, 1990s.